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SPHB is a "Beat your own score" game where you must drop bombs from a helicopter on to all creatures trying to kill Kenny. The game ends when kenny dies.

Created by: Beamer Games

South Park Point Block
A unique puzzle game that is a mix of Pong, Breakout, and those "Put the balls in the clowns mouth" games at fairgrounds.

Created by: Beamer Games

South Park Rock Climbing 1.08MB
Back in 2000 when I began to try out new ideas, I came up with a concept for a rock climbing game, where you had to make it to the top of a wall, avoiding falling rocks and spikes and keeping your stamina up. As you'd expect, the game turned out crap.

Created by: Beamer Games

South Park Smash 3.75MB
SP Smash is an ultra-violent beat-em-up, with 3 different difficulty levels, incredibly violent game play, tons of violent secrets, as well as some really violent death sequences, to settle all your blood-thirsty needs. Oh yeah, did I mention it was violent?

Created by: Beamer Games



This game lit up the South Park Gaming World and at the time it was a favorite with many. Wait till they see SPy 2!

Created by: The Y-Institute

Super SP Pinball
A version of Pinball for South Park fans, where you score points by keeping the ball in the area & killing Kenny.

Created by: Beamer Games

Super SP Pinball 2 325KB
Although this is slightly better than the previous version, with more levels and a tad better engine, it really is one of my poorer efforts.

Created by: Beamer Games